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The Carpet Guy 8 - Archway Carpets Turn 35!

This month The Carpet Guy takes a break from sharing tips and trends from the world of flooring to focus on celebrating Archway Carpets' 35 years in business. Darrell's father Graham started the business in Woodbridge, Suffolk with his wife, Barbara, in 1984. After nearly 25 years in business, Barbara fell seriously ill. At the time she asked Darrell to join the family business, and Darrell said he would. His mum sadly passed away three weeks later knowing that he would be there to support his dad and the business.

Archway Carpets is the business it is today because of Graham, Darrell, and Barbara. What also makes Archway Carpets a success is, of course, our customers. We want to thank every one of you! We literally could not have done it without you. There are also special thanks to family and friends who have supported Darrell and Graham over the years. I'm sure we'll think of a reason to have another party soon!